Call for papers
The theme of this year’s conference is Retail Imagination. The concept of imagined futures reminds us that imagination is powerful. What we can imagine, can be made reality while things beyond imagination are outside the realms of possibility. Retail is imagination, in many ways, for many actors. Consumers are encouraged to imagine futures with new possessions, new trends, and new modes of consumption. Managers, marketers, logisticians, and store employees imaginatively innovate new channels, warehouse solutions, platforms, store formats, products, service solutions, and technologies to fulfil consumer desires.
We welcome papers that explore the role of imagination and imagined futures (or pasts) in contemporary retailing. Subjects might include, but are not limited to:
- Retail digitalization
- Retailing and sustainability
- Retail marketing and branding
- Consumer behaviour
- Consumer culture and retailing
- Retail employment and retention
- Retail work environment
- Retail strategy and management
- Retail transformation
- Retail format development
- E-commerce, omnichannel and multichannel
- Retail logistics and supply chain management
- Retail economics
- Retail geography
- Retail in society
Download the call for papers (PDF)
Submission is now closed.
Please refer any questions to NRWC2024@ism.lu.se