Nordic Retail and Wholesale Association
The Nordic researchers in the area of retail and wholesale are quite few and scattered and do not always know one another. Therefore, the Hakon Swenson Foundation and the Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council has initiated a network for researchers in this field.
The Nordic Retail and Wholesale Association, NRWA, is an academic research network initiated and funded by the Swedish Retail and Wholesale Council and the Hakon Swenson Foundation.
The aim of the network is to create a forum where tutors, teachers and researchers can exchange services and experiences, since the Nordic researchers in this field aren’t that many and many of them aren’t aware of each other’s work.
NRWA will help isolated researchers get in contact with other researchers with similar interests in order to strengthen continued research in this particular area. As a part of this ambition NRWA will organize a research conference, NRWC, every two years to create a broad meeting point for the researchers in this field.