Call for papers
The 6th Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland on the 7th – 9th November 2018.
We would like to extend an invitation to fellow academics to submit papers on all areas of retail and wholesale. In efforts to increase knowledge and broaden the horizon of current Nordic retail research, our objective is to bring together researchers from a variety of disciplines and countries, whose interests lie in the perspective of business, customers, and employees. Scholars are encouraged to share their insights, research findings, and experiences across a range of issues. The conference will give participants an opportunity to present completed projects as well as work in progress.
Suggested topics include:
- Retail and wholesale management
- Branding and marketing
- Pricing strategies
- Store automation
- Consumer behavior
- Productivity in retailing
- International retail and wholesale
- Human Relations Management
- Management and organization in retailing
- Omni-channel shopping and showroom stores
- Distribution channel, logistics and supply chain management
- In-store marketing
- Corporate social responsibility
The topics above are suggestions and should not limit participants in presenting sciences in any area of retail, wholesale and related fields. This year’s conference will be organized by the Icelandic Centre for Retail Studies and the institute of Economic Studies, University of Iceland.
Abstracts, Papers and Submissions
All papers must be in English. Please send a two-page abstract by e-mail to: nrwc2018@rsv.is no later than June 15th, 2018. Abstracts will be arranged by tracks according to common interests. We plan to notify delegates of the acceptance of their papers by July 1st, 2018. To encourage discussion and the presentation of very recent work, full papers are not required for participation. More detailed information is available on the conference website: www.nrwa.se.
At the end of the conference, one paper will be chosen to receive an award as the best paper of NRWC. Furthermore, our ambition is that qualifying full papers will be considered for publication in a special issue.
Doctoral Colloquium
The day before the main conference starts, a special workshop for PhD students will be conducted. This provides a good opportunity for future academics to network and disseminate. PhD students participate in NRWC for a discounted price of 30.000 ISK (approx. 250 EUR).
Conference venue and registration
The conference venue will be Radisson Blu Saga, a conference venue in the heart of Reykjavik and close to the University of Iceland campus. Participants are asked to register and submit their conference fees before September 15th, 2018. Abstracts or papers without at least one author registered as delegate per September 15th will be dropped from the program. The registration fee is 43.000 ISK (approx. 350 EUR). The fee includes participation, lunch both days, coffee during breaks, one dinner and conference documentation. We have pre-reserved, on your behalf, hotel rooms in Reykjavik center.
As time progresses we will send more information your way regarding accommodation, spouse program and other practical matters.
In the meantime, up-to-date information can be accessed on the conferences website; www.nrwa.se.